1” 90DayFilter One Year Supply

90DayFilter 4Pack Red Premium Sizes


90DayFilter 4Pack Red Premium Sizes

The 90DayFilter by BLS is the perfect compliment to your sanitization protocol!

Combining good air filtration in with good air purification provides a synergistic, holistic approach to improving indoor air quality.  This MERV 7, 1"-thick filter is a true 90-day filter because it has an anti-microbial applied to the "downstream" side of the filter to reduce mold, bacteria, and the odors associated with them.


This anti-microbial treated, MERV 7, 90-day, no blow-by filter by Best Living Systems is the best replacement HVAC filter on the market today!

  • No cardboard frame to warp or become a food source for mold and bacteria
  • No 20% blow-by allowing air to go untreated and unfiltered
  • No replacement for three months (or more in clean environments)

The unique design of the BLS 90DayFilter provides an internal frame sandwiched between two layers of anti-microbial treated MERV 7 media allowing free airflow that will not strain your air conditioner and side-to-side flush edges to ensure that all the air is filtered and treated.  This filter keeps your air conditioning system cleaner AND reduces the possibility of mold and mildew growth on the duct system.   


You can purchase the 90DayFilter in a Convenience Pack of four (4) filters, an entire 1-year supply, for less than the cost of purchasing filters every month. Testing data (provided upon request) proves the 90DayFilter's efficiency and, since the 90DayFilter is about the price of an average 1" thirty-day filter, that makes it economical.  It is real savings that translates into an economical solution.  And, because you can have this filter delivered to your doorstep each year, there is no shopping from place to place across your city trying to find the right filter.

Visit www.90DayFilter.com for more details



  • 1"-thick filters, each good for 90 days
  • MERV 7 ASHRAE rated standard
  • NORMI® approved anti-microbial  
  • Internal frame eliminates paper cardboard
  • Edge-to-edge design for perfect fit
  • Quieter than average filters
  • Easy to install, fits every time


  • Provides adequate airflow with less restriction on HVAC system
  • Eliminates bio-nesting of micro-organisms
  • Eliminates blow-by so all the air is filtered
  • Sturdy internal frame eliminates warping
  • Standard sizes available
  • Economical and Efficient: 1 pack of 4 filters = 1 year supply

Most filters have to be changed every month - how does your filter last 90 days?

The back side (marked "DOWNSTREAM") of each 90DayFilter is manufactured with the NORMI® approved anti-microbial Triclosan, proven to be safe and effective in reducing microbial growth and the bio-nesting that sometimes occurs on regular filters.  This feature allows the 90DayFilter to stay in place, under normal conditions, for up to ninety (90) days without becoming a breeding ground for mold and bacteria.   

What do we do with filters after used?

The 90DayFilter is NOT hazardous waste and can be disposed of through your normal household garbage.

Are these really different from filters I buy at the store?

Yes, the 90DayFilter is significantly different because it will quiet the machine, keep the internal parts of your heating/air conditioning system clean, provide high quality air into your environment, reduce the possibility of growing mold and bacteria, and reduce waste going to the landfill.

MERV Ratings

Minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV rating) is a measurement scale designed in 1987 by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to rate the effectiveness of air filters. The scale allows for improved health, reduced cost, and energy efficiency in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) design.

For example, a HEPA filter is often impractical in central HVAC systems due to the large pressure drop the dense filter material causes. Experiments indicate that less-obstructive, medium-efficiency filters of MERV 7 to 13 are almost as effective as true HEPA filters at removing allergens, with much lower associated system and operating costs.

[ 90DFCP-4R-1000 ]

Starting From $ 99.95

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