Mold-Free Construction Workbook 2.0


Mold-Free Construction Workbook 2.0

For homeowners and professionals who want a Healthier Home as they build, remodel, or plan to move into their new “dream” home…practical advice for everyone!

NOTE: Download a FREE chapter or purchase the Audio Version at 

Creating a mold-free environment will give you and your family years of healthy living and ensure that the investment in your home will be protected.  The Mold-Free Process Checklist provided in this workbook comprises 36 suggestions for keeping your home clean, so mold will not have a chance to get a foothold. Some of these may seem “extreme measures” but  have proven to be invaluable in maintaining a mold-free environment.  Living with mold is not a very inviting idea, especially if you have allergies. Take the time to consider how you can improve your indoor living experience and then please send those suggestions to me. I believe, together, we can improve everyone’s health. That’s a lofty but worthy goal.  -- D. Douglas Hoffman

The KEY to effectively utilizing the NORMI™ Sanitization Protocol during Construction

Revised to take advantage of the new things we’ve learned since our original offering, this book is designed to provide information for homeowners, professionals, homebuilders, and other construction partners regarding the Mold-Free Process, a process by which the problems of mold, mildew, bacteria and other microbiological contaminants may be controlled and, in some cases, eliminated by decisions made during the building process. 

Many of the problems relating to mold and mildew proliferation are a direct result of poor decision-making during the design and construction stages of construction, as well as, the methods and materials used in the construction process itself.  By adhering to the recommendations herein described the occurrence of mold and mildew problems can be substantially reduced and thereby provide a more allergy-free environment for the new homeowner. 

Those who have read the book have found it helpful in evaluating problems with microbial contamination in existing structures.  By understanding and identifying those problems, solutions may be implemented to reduce or eliminate contaminants in existing structures.

I wrote this book with the homeowner in mind. Its usefulness, explained in the Introduction, explains how this book is timely, understandable, and practical.

It's timely because the increased proliferation of mold issues in indoor environments is alarming and homeowners and homebuilders want solutions now.

It's understandable because I take a "down to earth" and "common sense" approach to decisions the customer needs to make prior to the commencement of his construction process.

It's practical because, using an easy checklist format, the homeowner is given the ability to begin the construction process with a checklist.

I use terms that are easily understood rather than the technical terminology reserved for the construction industry. The homeowner can make decisions to insure the Mold-Free Process is complied with by the contractor. How those early decisions are made could affect the health of him and his family for years to come.

I know this will help the homeowner sort through the maze. This process works!"  -- D. Douglas Hoffman


$ 31.75
